Cross-Border Inheritance(Succession, Will and Trust), Family Law (Divorce, Prenuptial Agreement, and Adoption), and Hague Child Abduction Cases
Cross-Border Inheritance
and Family Law Cases
Legal Profession Corporation CastGlobalToikyo Office 34F Atago Green Hills MORI Tower2-5-1 Atago, Minato-ku,
Tokyo、105-6234, Japan
Office Hours 9:30~17:30
on weekdays
Makiko Mizuuchi(Ms), Attorney-at Law, admitted to practice in
Japan and California, U.S.A. is in charge.
※ Please contact us by clicking on “contact” below and sending an inquiry form to make an appointment.
Our telephone number is 81+(0)3-5405-7850 and our office hours are from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30p.m. on weekdays.
※ Consultation in English is available.
※ Zoom consultations are available.
Please pay consultation fees in advance.
Please push 'Submit' below to send the inquiry form.
Please contact via e-mail.
Office hours 9:30~17:30 on weekdays
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34F Atago Green Hills MORI Tower 2-5-1 Atago, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-6234, Japan
Tel 81+(0)3-5405-7850
Attorney Profile