Cross-Border Inheritance(Succession, Will and Trust), Family Law (Divorce, Prenuptial Agreement, and Adoption), and Hague Child Abduction Cases

Cross-Border Inheritance
and Family Law Cases


Legal Profession Corporation CastGlobalToikyo Office          34F Atago Green Hills MORI Tower2-5-1 Atago, Minato-ku, 
Tokyo、105-6234, Japan

Office Hours 9:30~17:30
      on weekdays                                         

Makiko Mizuuchi(Ms), Attorney-at Law, admitted to practice in
Japan and California, U.S.A. is in charge.



The consultation sessions


Initial consultations are available at 10,000 yen per hour (excluding tax). 
Exceptions may be made in some cases.

Zoom consultations are available.




Please note that lawyers’ fees vary depending on the type of case, the amount of time necessary to resolve the case, and degree of difficulty involved in handling the case.

The fees shown below are our standard fees. The consumption tax would be added.

When the conciliation proceedings or court litigation sessions continue for more than a year, we may charge additional fees to continue the case.

We ask our clients to reimburse us for the actual costs of transportation and postal services incurred by us in representing them.

We also adopt the time charge system.

We will explain the estimated cost during the consultation session.

Mobilization fees (retaining fees) are fees paid in advance of work being commenced.

Remuneration is a reward paid when the case is completed.

Please ask us about the details during the consultation session.

Consumption taxes are added to the fees shown below.

International divorce (family law issues)

We adopt both the retaining fees (mobilization fees) /remuneration system, and the time charge system. It depends on the case which system is to adopt. Please ask us about the system of payment during the consultation.

※The time charge system

Please ask us about this system during the consultation session.

※The retaining fees (mobilization fees) /remuneration system

Negotiations/conciliation (adjudication) proceedings in the Family Court

Mobilization fees (retaining fees)

400,000 yen

・Remuneration (fees on completion)

400,000 yen

※If the court is far from our office, we ask the court appearance fee for     each session.

Court litigation

Mobilization fees (retaining fees)

500,000 yen

Remuneration (fees on completion)

500,000 yen

※If the court is far from our office, we ask the court appearance fee for     each session.

When you retain us part way through negotiations/conciliation               proceedings, part of the mobilization fees (retaining fees) for the           litigation stage may be deducted depending on the case.

※If you receive the maintenance, or the child support, we will charge       additional fees, 10 percent plus consumption tax of the monthly             payment for 2 years.

※When you gain property with monetary value through a distribution       of property and/or compensation, we will charge additional fees in         accordance with the chart below.

Monetary valueRemuneration
Up to 3 million yen16
3-30 million yen10%+180,000 JPN
30-300 million yen6%+1,380,000JPN
Over 300 million yen4%+7,360,000JPN

International inheritance

We adopt both the retainer/remuneration fee system, and the time charge system. It depends on the case. We would discuss the method of payment during the consultation.

※The time charge system

Please ask us about this system during the consultation session.

※The retaining fees (mobilization fees) /remuneration system

When you gain property with monetary value, such as real estate or bank deposits, through a division of inherited property, we will charge fees in accordance with the chart below.

※If the court is far from our office, we ask the court appearance fee for     each session.

Monetary valueMobilization feeRemunerationTotal
Up to 3 million yen81624
3-30 million yen5%+90,00 0JMonetaryPN10%+180,000JPN15%+270,000JPN
30-300 million yen3%+690,000JPN6%+1,380,000JPN9%+2,070,000JPN
Over 300 million yen9%+3,690,000JPN4%+7,380,000JPN13%+11,070,000JPN

Drafting a will

200,000 yen

Execution of a will

2% of the total amount of inherited assets

Consumption taxes are added.

Prenuptial agreement

※The time charge system

Please ask us about this system during the consultation session.

Hague Convention cases

The time charge system is adopted for the following cases.

Please ask us during the consultation session.

Assistance in returning a child to a foreign state from Japan for court     proceedings

Assistance in returning a child to Japan from a foreign state

Assistance with visitation of a child in Japan for                                     conciliation/adjudication proceedings

Traffic accidents and other civil cases

When you gain something of monetary value, such as compensation, as a result of the attorney’s work, we will charge fees in accordance with the chart below.

Monetary valueMobilization feeRemunerationTotal
Up to 3 million yen81624
3-30 million yen5%+90,000JPN10%+180,000JPN15%+270,000JPN
30-300 million yen3%+690,000JPN6%+1,380,000JPN9%+2,070,000JPN
Over 300 million yen9%+3,690,000JPN4%+7,380,000JPN13%+11,070,000JPN

Contact information

Please contact via e-mail.


Office hours 9:30~17:30 on weekdays

Contact us

Please contact by clicking on “contact” below and sending an inquiry form 



Strategies for
International  Divorce

More  information

Representation in
Hague Convention

More  information

Contact information

Attorney at law
Makiko Mizuuchi
Legal Profession Corporation CastGlobal        Tokyo Office

34F Atago Green Hills MORI Tower                   2-5-1 Atago, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-6234, Japan

Tel  81+(0)3-5405-7850

Attorney Profile