Cross-Border Inheritance(Succession, Will and Trust), Family Law (Divorce, Prenuptial Agreement, and Adoption), and Hague Child Abduction Cases
Cross-Border Inheritance
and Family Law Cases
Legal Profession Corporation CastGlobalToikyo Office 34F Atago Green Hills MORI Tower2-5-1 Atago, Minato-ku,
Tokyo、105-6234, Japan
Office Hours 9:30~17:30
on weekdays
Makiko Mizuuchi(Ms), Attorney-at Law, admitted to practice in
Japan and California, U.S.A. is in charge.
(Ms.) Makiko Mizuuchi, admitted to practice in Japan and California, U.S.
・Graduated from Oin High School, Tokyo
・Graduated from Hemet High School, Riverside County, California (as an AFS exchange student)
・Holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from the Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo
・Holds a Master of Laws degree from the Graduate School of Law, Hitotsubashi University
Is a Fellow o the International Academy of Family Lawyers (IAFL).
・Is registered on the lists of English-speaking attorneys at the Embassies of Australia, Canada, and the United States in Tokyo
・Is registered on the list of attorneys specializing inFamily Law, Divorce and Custody Issuesat the Embassy of the United States
・Is registered for the JFBA Lawyer Referral Service regarding Hague Convention abduction cases
・Member of the International family Law Section of Family Law Committee of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA)
・Member of the International Human Rights Issues Committee of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA)
・Member of the Committee for the Protection of Rights of Elderly and Handicapped People of the Saitama Bar Association
Having numerous experiences in providing legal consultations in Bar Associations and municipal offices, etc.
Please contact via e-mail.
Office hours 9:30~17:30 on weekdays
More information
More information
34F Atago Green Hills MORI Tower 2-5-1 Atago, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-6234, Japan
Tel 81+(0)3-5405-7850
Attorney Profile