International Family Law regarding Divorce, 1980 Hague Child Abduction Cases, and Inheritance
Legal Profession Corporation CastGlobal Kawaguchi Office
303 Second Masaki Building, 2-4-5 Namiki, Kawaguchi City Saitama Prefecture, 332-0034, Greater Tokyo Area Half an hour train ride from Central Tokyo
Office Hours 9:30~17:30
on weekdays Legal Consultation weekdays and the weekend
(We ask the prior appointment via e-mail ).
Legal Profession Corporation CAST Kawaguch Office practices all aspects of family law in Saitama Prefecture, Greater Tokyo Area, with particular specialism in international family law, divorce and financial settlement with an international dimension, international custody disputes, international adoption, Hague Convention, and inheritance.
We represent clients in the courts in Japan.
We assist the court cases in foreign countries as well by drafting opinions regarding Japanese family law, and by making testimonies as an expert witness in the court procedures etc.
We also translate documents from English to Japanese, including contract documents written in English.
We always strive to find a way to reach as amicable a solution as possible.
We conduct a legal consultation in English via Zoom.
The fee for the consultation varies depending on the case.
The consultation via Zoom is available.
We welcome your contact via e-mail from all over the world.
Ms. Makiko Mizuuchi, a female lawyer, is registered on the lists of English-speaking attorneys at the Embassies of Australia, Canada, the U.K. and the United States in Tokyo. She is also registered on the list of attorneys specializing in family law, divorce and custody issues at the Embassy of the United States.
Ms.Mizuuchi is a Fellow of the International Academy of Family Lawyers (IAFL). IAFL is a worldwide association of practising lawyers who are recognised by their peers as the most experienced and skilled family law specialists in their respective countries
Ms. Mizuuchi is a member of the Hague Convention Working Group of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA), and is registered for the JFBA Lawyer Referral Service regarding Hague Abduction Convention cases.
Please feel free to contact us for assistance regarding the following kinds of legal matters in particular:
・Representation by counsel in petitions for the return of children under the Hague Convention at the family court (Tokyo and Osaka), the high courts (Tokyo and Osaka), and the Supreme Court.
・Representation by counsel in international adoption cases in the courts in Japan
・Assisting the Hague Convention outgoing cases in foreign courts
・Assisting divorce, or child relocation cases in foreign countries
※We assist the family law cases overseas by cooperating with the attorneys overseas, writing the opinions regarding the family law practice in Japan in order to submit to the foreign court, and making testimonies as an expert witness in the foreign Court etc.
・Fair and equitable division of matrimonial property
・Effective legal representation by counsel in divorce proceedings in the Family Court to ensure a better, amicable solution
・Representation by counsel for visitation conciliation proceedings in the Family Court
・Assistance with deceased estates (division of inherited property)
・Drafting and execution of wills
・Translating documents from English to Japanese, including contract documents written in English
・Drafting documents including contract documents written in English
・Defending the suspects and accused (foreign nationals) with respect to ithe criminal cases
・Representing in the traffic accident cases for foreign nationals
Representation in the courts in all over Japan is possible.
※The family courts in the major cities introduced a telephone conference, and the telephone conference is available as long as the court allows and the attoreny acts for a party.
Please note the telephone conference may not be allowed in all of the sessions.
July 2024
Attorney Mizuuchi contributed an article on Japanese
family law to the July issue of the ABA (American
Bar Association) 's international law section’s
The title is “Recognition of U.S. custody and visitation orders in Japan”.
May 2024
Attorney Mizuuchi contributed an article on Japanese
family law to theMay issue of the ABA(American Bar Association) 's international law section’s Newsletter.
The title is “Japan Improves Enforcement of Hague
Return Orders and has a High Rate of Amicable
May, 2022
Attorney Mizuuchi made an on-line presentation
regarding Japanese inheritance law in the Milan Bar
Association, Italy.
February, 2022
Attorney Mizuuchwas gave a lecture about
the legal practice under the Hague Child Abduction Convention in the on-line seminar held in the Aichi Bar
Association hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
November, 2020
Attorney Mizuuchi gave a lecture regarding
international family law in the on-line seminar hosted by the Japan Federation of Bar Associations. It is a
three times series which address
international legal practice under the Covid-19 pandemic.
November, 2020
Attoreny Mizuuchi was sent and gave a lecture about
the legal practice under the Hague Child Abduction Convention in the seminar held in the Tochigi Bar
Association hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
May 4, 2020
The Japanese government extended the declaration of a state of emergency nationwide until May31. It is likely that the sessions of court cases except for the emergency cases will be cancelled.
April, 2020
The Supreme Court First Petty Bench rendered a judgment regarding the child return case under the Hague Convention on April 16, 2020.The court states the agreement in the conciliation can be modified due to change in circumstances under the Article 117(1)of the Hague Implementation Act.
April, 2020
The Japanese government declared a state of emergency in severn regions including Tokyo and Osaka on April 7.After that, most of the sessions of court cases except for the emergency cases were cancelled until May 6. Unlike the court systems in Western countries, e-filings are not conducted in Japan. If you would like to file for a suit, or file a petition to the family court, or the district court, please keep in mind that it is not certain when the first session will be held.
The government expanded the declaration of a state of emergency nationwide on April 16.
December, 2019
The Hague Seminar, which was hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was held in the Kanagawa Bar Association in December. Attorney Mizuuchi gave a lecture about the legal practice of Hague Convention case in the courts as a representative of the Hague Convention of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations.
December, 2019
The charts for the maintenance and the child support used in the courts were updated
September, 2019
Attorney Mizuuchi participated in the IAFL(International Academy of Family Lawyers) meeting which was held in Majorca, Spain.
August, 2019
The name of our office changed from "Mimoza International Law Office" to "Legal Profession Corporation CAST Kawaguchi Office". The telephone number and the address are the same as before.
April, 2019
Attorney Mizuuchi made presentations regarding the
1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention~Japanese experience in the Hague Symposium and the International Family Law Conference hosted by Miller de Toit Cloete and the University of Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa. Most of the participants are South African judges, attorneys, African judges, and attorneys. Some of the members of the permanent bureau of the HCCH (Hague Conference on the Private International Law) made presentations and held workshops regarding 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention, 1993 Hague Intercountry Adoptions, and 1996 Child Protection Convention.
March, 2019
Attorney Mizuuchi made a presentation with another attorney in the Seminar on the 1980 Hague Convention for Diplomatic Missions in Tokyo hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan(Central Authority of the 1980 Hague Convention).
February, 2019
Attorney Mizuuchi made a presentation regarding 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention~ Japanese experience in IAFL Symposium in Sydney, Australia.
May 29, 2018
Attorney Mizuuchi was a panelist regarding
enforcement of Japanese divorce, child custody and
child support orders abroad in the symposium in
Waseda University, Tokyo hosted by IAFL (International Academy of Family lawyers).
May, 2018
Attorney Mizuuchi made a presentation regarding
relocation from Japanese law perspective in the
symposium hosted by the Law Society of Singapore,
Past topics
1 Specializing in international divorce and inheritance
We specialize in family law matters, and have vast experience in handling both domestic and international divorce and inheritance cases, such as issues relating to the distribution of matrimonial property, compensation, child custody, visitation rights, and division of inherited assets which have an international element. We also represent left-behind parents who seek to visit or have contact with their children in Japan, and work with foreign counsel where appropriate.
2 Handling Hague Abduction Convention cases
We handle Hague Convention cases (international child abduction cases), and attorney Makiko Mizuuchi is registered for the JFBA Lawyer Referral Service in relation to such cases.
3 Finding amicable solutions with a reasonable cost. And when necessary, cooperating with foreign family law attorneys to settle the case.
Family law issues are particularly sensitive because the persons involved are family members. In the long run, it is better for all concerned that the parties reach an amicable agreement promptly and without undue expense. We always strive to achieve this.
The international family cases involve the international elements. When necessary, we cooperate with foreign family law attorneys, such as attorneys from U.K., U.S., Canada, Australia, France, Sweden, Netherlands,and Switzerland to settle the case.
Please contact via e-mail.
Office hours 9:30~17:30 on weekdays
Please contact by telephone, or from the Inquiry Form
Please click the below icon.
Inquiry Form
More information
More information
303 Second Masaki Building, 2-4-5 Namiki, Kawaguchi City Saitama Prefecture, 332-0034, Greater Tokyo Area Half an hour train ride from Central Tokyo
Tel 81+(0)48-271-5085
Attorney Profile